
Remove Touch Overlay


Duration: 03:10Views: 1.5KLikes: 109Date Created: May, 2021

Channel: Yours Truly

Category: Music

Tags: 여름쪼꼬미kpop in public다영버터플라이starshiptvwjsn unnaturalyeoreumtapeseolauzzusoobinkpop dance publicwjsn cover dance우소 chengxiao선의우주소녀 리얼리티eunseo1thekexy수빈미기엑시보나kpopruda설아이루리public dance challenge우쭈테잎연정네버랜드은서neverland언내추럴cosmic girls비하인드wjsn dance coverunnatural dance coverdawonbutterflyxuan iwjsnas we wish우주소녀loen성소unnaturaldayoung루다bonacosmic girls happystarshipludamei qigirl group다원언내츄럴프리뷰yeonjeong

Description: WJSN came back with this beautiful song, UNNATURAL! Even though we couldn't do a full group cover (keep your circles small and stay safe friends!) we still had a lot of fun, so please enjoy! #WJSN #UNNATURAL #우주소녀 Watch WJSN's OFFICIAL "UNNATURAL" M/V HERE: youtu.be/wcgTStAuXQw Watch our other cover videos HERE: goo.gl/N3ShNf Watch our other reaction videos HERE: goo.gl/xflhiR Check out our Patreon page and see what cool perks you can get while supporting us! patreon.com/yourstrulydance We have a DISCORD server and a PODCAST! ► Discord server: discord.gg/qGBcBRD ► Podcast links: Spotify: open.spotify.com/show/622SJy5dUkbwjUzgdf224t Himalaya: himalaya.com/performing-arts-podcasts/the-podcast-with-yours-truly-2063408 Apple Podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/the-podcast-with-yours-truly/id1514012321 ---- Don't forget our friends! Videographer: ⇒ SEB @ThatGuyYouKnowww Facebook: facebook.com/thatguyyouknowww​​ Instagram: instagram.com/tgykofficial​​ ⇒ SYLVIA: instagram.com/solbangcha​ from @UBCKWave Yours Truly - ⇒ FRANCES: instagram.com/dmaknae // youtube.com/channel/UCnl7UOihjOCY8HkBlmFcwfg ⇒ STEPH: instagram.com/stephinika ⇒ THEO: instagram.com/thugepi ⇒ ANSON: instagram.com/ansonaloha @Anson ALOHA ---- Want some awesome, Vancouver based minimal streetwear? Check out AEIO:U - their clothes are comfortable & stylish our code is "YOURSTRULY10" for 10% off! Website - aeio-u.com Instagram - instagram.com/aeiouofficial ---- Share, like, and subscribe Follow us! Facebook - facebook.com/yourstrulydance Twitter - twitter.com/yourstrulydance Instagram - instagram.com/yourstrulydance For booking/business inquires: yourstrulydance(at)gmail(dot)com ---- NO COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT INTENDED. For inspirational and entertainment purposes only.

Swipe Gestures On Overlay